January is National Hot Tea month!

January is National Hot Tea Month and with these cold days it is the perfect month for it. A warm, steaming cup of tea is welcome at any time of day, especially in the cold winter months. Whether as an alternative to coffee with the rich tradition of Irish Breakfast tea, or as a quiet cap to the end of the day, settling your nerves with Chamomile and Lavender, tea is amazing. You can drink it like the American’s do, with lemon and sugar, or perhaps a bit of honey, or you can mix in milk or creamer for a fully European experience. However you do it, Hot Tea Month is a great time to reembrace this delicious beverage that can warm your heart and body.

Have you ever wondered where tea came from, and what made someone put leaves in hot water for flavor? Well, legend says in 2737 BC, a Chinese emperor was sitting under a tree while his servant boiled drinking water when some leaves blew into it. The emperor happened to be a renowned herbalist, and he decided to taste the infusion that had just been created by accident… He loved it, and that’s where tea comes from! The Tea Council of the USA was founded in 1950 and recognizes National Hot Tea Month every January.

Tea isn’t just a warm and delicious beverage, it can also be used medicinally. There are thousands of herbal teas out there, and each of them can be used to help fortify the body, and even help you heal and fight infection. One of the most common uses is to help soothe nerves as night time rolls in with a cup of mint and chamomile tea. Tea is packed with antioxidants. These help keep our bodies “young” and protect them from toxins. It has less caffeine than coffee. (The kinds that do contain caffeine) usually contain about 50% less than coffee which means you can drink it without affecting your nervous system. Research shows a correlation between tea and heart health. A recent study says people who drink tea have a 20% less chance of having a stroke or heart attack than those who don’t. It can help with weight loss, especially when paired with a well-balanced diet and exercise. Tea is usually calorie-free, and it can give you energy and cause your body to burn more calories throughout the day.

This photo is at TeaKettle Junction which is a shrine to tea, it is located on a long bumby dirt road on the way to Racetrack, which is in Death Valley California. It is considered good luck to take a teapot or/and leave one.

National Compliment Day~January 24th

National Compliment Day is today, January 24th! It offers a wonderful way to brighten someone’s day or to give credit for a job well done! Give an extra compliment annually on January 24th and any time one is deserved. In the hustle-n-bustle of our daily lives, it is easy to start taking our loved ones and people around us for granted. Compliment Day attempts to change that. It encourages people to make a conscious attempt to praise and acknowledge the little (and big) things others do for them. A compliment has a powerful effect. It can instill confidence in a child or validate someone’s hard work. A compliment not only improves the receiver’s mood, but it also says something about the giver. It tells them you noticed. Whether we recognize someone’s achievement or their classic style, a compliment can go a long way. To give a great compliment, first be sincere. People have a way of knowing when we are fake. If you don’t mean it, it’s worse than getting a thoughtless birthday gift. Complimenting character versus a new haircut are different rewards. The first says you respect the person and the other tells them you paid attention. Sometimes the receiver needs to hear one or the other, or both. Human beings like to be unique, original. Strive to give a compliment about what makes a person stand out above the rest. Take the time to reflect on what you admire about the person.

Kathy Chamberlin and Debby Hoffman created National Compliment Day in 1998. Compliments not only help spread joy, they also help create bonds. Research has shown that people tend to gravitate towards other positive people in both personal and professional settings. Appreciating others also creates an atmosphere of mutual admiration – praise someone genuinely once or twice, and you are bound to get a compliment or two back. The bottom line is this: giving compliments not only makes the other person happy, it can also make you happy, boost your self-esteem. and help you make friends. Everyone deserves to hear a compliment everyday, but especially today!

January 25th~support small buisness owners

Join others from the panhandle for the start of something amazing this year supporting our local small business owners!

Date : Saturday January the 25th
Time : 9am – 3pm
Location : Southern Rebellion Boutique, 11231 Hwy 77 Southport FL 32409

This will be a free of charge fun outside shopping event, they have several pop up tents to shop at featuring the best of the best local small business owners! They will also have an amazing local food truck to fill your tummy’s while you shop!! The following booths will be featured :

1. J. Kelley Designs
2. Southern Rebellion Boutique
3. Totes by Stephenie
4. Destiny Makes Scents
5. Holly Lynn Creations
6. Spread the Love
7. Color Street Nails
8. Bedazzled By Brandi
9. Danielle with Handmade Pearls
10. Kristen with LimeLife
11. Sharp Curbside Bistro, Food Truck
12. That’s my Goat Soap
13. Usbourne books & more
14. Modern Sondays
15. Wag this way
16. Artist Tree
17. St Andrews Pepper Company
18. MonaLynn Boutique (children’s boutique clothing)

Whether this is a day to treat yourself or an outing with your kiddos they would love for you to join them for the first pop up event of the year.

—> Want to be apart of the fun and have a booth at the next event? Send an email to:


Red Hills Fire Fest~January 25th

This Saturday, January 25th from 11am to 3pm at Tall Timbers Research Station & Land Conservancy located at 13093 Henry Beadel Drive in Tallahassee. Be sure to plan to go to this Red Hills Fire Festival if you have ever been curious about the natural role of fire in our region. It’s a fun and easy way for all ages to learn more about prescribed fire, the people who use it, and why.

It’s a free festival! It’s a good time with live music from Two Foot Level, prescribed fire demonstrations, live wildlife, guided wagon ride tours of healthy forests, hands-on fire equipment, kids’ activities, and great food vendors.

Prescribed fire demonstrations are planned for 12:30 and 2:30, weather permitting. Rain date is February 1st, and any use of the rain date will be noticed in the Facebook event page.

Please consider carpooling with friends and family to share this event with more people and to make good use of the limited parking spaces. Also take your reusable water bottles to take advantage of the water refill stations they will have throughout the festival.

January 21st~free concert tonight!

What are you doing tonight, January 21st? If you have no plans consider heading over to the Jackson County Library in Marianna on Green Street at 6:30pm. Kyle Carey is performing a free Gaelic Americana concert.

Martin Luther King Jr.~January 20th

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a federal holiday falling on the third Monday of every January. This year Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 20, 2020, marks the 25th anniversary of the day of service that celebrates the Civil Rights leader’s life and legacy. King was assassinated in April 1968 on a motel balcony in Memphis. On Nov. 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill marking the third Monday of every January as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. King was born on Jan. 15, 1929. The holiday was approved as a federal holiday in 1983, becoming the first federal holiday honoring an African American. MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities. The Corporation for National and Community service has been charged to lead this effort for the last quarter century.

A few things you may not know about MLK.

~The civil rights activist was born Michael King Jr on January 15, 1929. ~When Martin Luther King Jr received a Nobel Peace Prize for combating racial inequality through nonviolence, he was just 35 years old, the youngest man at the time to do so. ~The civil rights leader was arrested 29 times and assaulted four times. ~From 1957 to 1968, King traveled over 6 million miles and spoke over 2,500 times. ~King was awarded 20 honorary degrees and was named ‘Man of the Year’ by Time magazine. ~There are approximately 900 streets named after MLK in the US, and over 70% in Southern States. ~His mother was also murdered by a gunman.



Save the dates~5 free-entrance days to National Parks in 2020

The National Park Service (NPS) recently announced that there will be five free-entrance days in America’s national parks in 2020. Those dates include:
Monday, January 20 (Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
Saturday, April 18 (the first day of National Park Week, as well as National Junior Ranger Day)
Tuesday, August 25 (National Park Service’s Birthday)
Saturday, September 26 (National Public Lands Day)
Wednesday, November 11 (Veterans Day)
There are more than 400 national park units in the U.S., with 110 of them charging between $5 and $35 to visit. But on these five days, you can enter any park at no cost. The waiver doesn’t include camping fees, boat launch fees or transportation fees.

“Fee-free days inspire people to experience the natural beauty, history and heritage we all share,” said Will Shafroth, president and CEO of the National Park Foundation, the charitable partner of the NPS. “They remind us that across our 419 national parks, there is something for everyone, and all are welcome to explore.”

Will you go to a National Park this year?

Florida is #1 in Uhaul entering the state

U-Haul has ranked the top 50 growth states of 2019, with Florida boasting the largest net gain of one-way U-Haul truck customers to establish a new No. 1 growth state for the first time in four years.

Growth States are calculated by the net gain of one-way U-Haul trucks entering a state versus leaving that state during a calendar year. Migration trends data is compiled from more than 2 million one-way U-Haul truck-sharing transactions that occur annually.

Florida greeted the largest number of U-Haul moving trucks entering its borders versus exiting them, establishing a new Number 1 growth state for the first time in four years. Florida, which ranked second to Texas from 2016-18, bested the Lone Star State for growth this past year, according to U-Haul data analyzing US migration trends for 2019.

Mashawy in Marianna

Mashawy is a family-owned fine dining restaurant serving the freshest Mediterranean-Greek-American fusion cuisine next to the golf course at 3297 Caverns Rd Marianna, FL. 850-526-1578. Hours are: Monday: Closed, Tuesday-11:00AM – 8:00PM, Wednesday-11:00AM – 8:00PM, Thursday-11:00AM – 8:00PM, Friday-11:00AM – 10:00PM, Saturday-11:00AM – 10:00PM, Sunday: 11:00AM – 6:00PM. The services they provide are meals, wedding receptions, birthdays, and party hosting. And they are also now offering live music on the 1st and 3rd Friday each month from 5pm to 10pm.


Oyster Cook-Off~January 17th&18th

Apalachicola Oyster Cook-Off this Friday and Saturday, January 17th and 18th. All proceeds go directly towards paying for the brand new fire truck they were able to purchase a few years ago, due to this sole fundraising event. This is the 10th year for this annual event. It features a silent auction, oysters galore, shrimp, smoked mullet, hot dogs, local beer, live music, kids’ activities, dancing performances and a 5k run. Well mannered pets on a lease are welcome. Friday it is from 6pm to 8pm then the live music gets started at 8pm. On Saturday at Riverfront Park the 5k starts at 8am.