Jackson County Senior Center

Jackson County Senior Center is locate at 2931 Optimist Drive. The phone number is 850-482-5028. They also have a Facebook page, to follow them and get updates be sure to click the like button. They have a monthly calendar as seen in the photo attached. They do movie days, art classes, games, bingo, exercise classes, and health checks to name a few activities. They also offer in home services and you need to call for that information and the number for that is 800-963-5337. The hours are Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.

The mission at Jackson County Senior Citizens is to provide an opportunity for the senior citizen population to participate in various functions offered on a regular basis. They are a non-profit organization that promotes and provides activities, entertainment, trips, and special workshops that are planned specifically with seniors in mind. It was founded in 1975. They also have a location in Graceville located at 5400 Cliff Street.