National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day!

Today is National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day(NCYVDT)! The third Monday in October encourages everyone to take time to organize their virtual desktop. The Personal Computer Museum in Brantford, Ontario in 2010 created this day.  A clean and organized space offers fewer frustrations. Everything is in a file and you know where to find it. Archive old files. Create shortcuts. This will help your computer run faster and help you find things more quickly. How can you observe NCYVDT? Neaten up your desktop by deleting unneeded items and sorting the rest into folders. If you are tech-savvy share your tips with others. Make sure your virus protection is up to date and run it! Delete unused icons. You can do this with your phone too!  Another really good reason to clean your virtual desktop is to mitigate the risk of visual hacking. Visual hacking is a low-tech threat compared to malware. According to a survey 91% of visual hacking attempts are successful and can happen very quickly.

Happy cleaning!