If you live in the Panhandle I am sure you have heard we are going to have record high’s this weekend. This blog isn’t so much about just our Panhandle but for dogs everywhere. I just wanted to post a few reminders about caring for your pet during the heat. I know we all watch out for heatstroke during the summer in our human loved one’s but do you know what to watch for in you dog? Here are a few photos with advice. Hope it helps. And don’t forget to take care of yourself too, be sure to drink plenty of water, wear sunscreen/hats, and find shade where you can!
On hot days rolling the windows down and parking in the shade doesn’t stop dogs from getting heatstroke. I know we all love to take our dogs with us but when it is really hot consider leaving them home or at least taking them inside with you.A dog’s normal temperature is 101 degrees. This has some good ideas and things to keep an eye on to prevent heat stroke for you fur baby!7 seconds rule. Press the back of your hand on against the asphalt for 7 seconds. If it is too hot for your hand, it is too hot for your dog’s paws! Try and walk your dog during the coolest parts of the day.