Grand Fiestsa Parade tonight at 7pm at 2121 W. Intendencia St, Pensacola. Beads, bands, and floats. In addition to the dozens of local krewes parading , special appearances will be made by a masked DeLuna LXX, his queen and their court. I read that it gets pretty busy so plan to be there by 6pm.64th Annual Billy Bowlegs Pirate Festival in Fort Walton Beach. May 31st – June 3rd. It is a weekend PACKED with fun stuff. It kicks off at 3pm today and ends when the fireworks are done. Be sure to look on line for more information, copy and past the link This years theme is Booty Calls. They will have a parade on June 3rd at 7pm. Come as you are or dress up! There is something for everyone at this weekend festival!June 1st at Andrews Square in Wellborn from 7am to 3pm. They will have arts & crafts, festival foods, children activities, blueberries and blueberry plants, local entertainment, pancake breakfast, country store, live animal show and more.June 1st from 8am to 12pm Poplar Head Farmer’s Market is having opening day! It is at 126 N St Andrews Street, 36301.Gainer Blueberry Farm $10 a gallon. Because of the extreme heat in May the blueberries ripened sooner then expected so tomorrow is the first day this season. Hurricane Michael took a lot of their shade trees in the parking lot so it is no longer a shady place to park while picking. The hours are on this photo and the address is 2876 Orange Hill Road in Chipley.The grand opening of The Lazy Acres Family Farm- Farm Store will be June 1st from 3pm to 7pm. Located at 4318 Lafayette St in Marianna. The ribbon cutting will be at 3:30pm. They will have fresh from the farm: soap, candles, raw honey, pork chops, pork sausage, steaks, and ground beef.
As always the weekends during the summer in the panhandle are full of events. Here are just 6 of them. I hope at least one of these is something you and your family and/or friends want to attend. If you are having something going on that you would like to pass on for me to share please email me at debson1999@gmail. com and be sure to put “blog” in the subject line. Enjoy your weekend and remember sunscreen and plenty of fluids. The temperature is cooler then last week but still in the 90’s!