~The Marianna Police Department announced they will be conducting a Safety and Sobriety checkpoint on Friday, July 19th between 8pm and midnight on Penn Avenue south of South Street. This is part of the department’s “Operation Sober City” initiative. They are trying to be proactive to reduce traffic crashes and fatalities. Remember, “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over.”
~Only a few more week for the Marianna Farmer’s Market. They will be at the Madison Street Park from 7am to noon on July 20th.
Sidewalk Stargazing at your library presented on July 19th from 9:30pm to 10:30pm, Port St. Joe Corinne Costin Gibson Memorial Public Library on Library Drive is hosting this. They ask for you to take binoculars or a personal telescope if you can. If poor viewing conditions are present, the event will be canceled. Be sure to check the FB page before heading out.The Colonics & Massage Clinic in Marianna is hosting a wellness Day July 20th starting at 8:30am. Learn about Colonics and Ion Foot Soaks. They will also be doing Qigong, Yoga, Nutritional portion, among other activities. Lunch is provided. Everyone is invited. It will be held at 2946 Jefferson St in Marianna.Backpack giveaway on Sunday July 21st at Verizon in Marianna. It will be held in the parking lot from noon to 4ish. They will have the Ice Box and Leola’s Carb Shack.