Green Hill Community Center is located at 17913 Park Place in Fountain. The phone number is 850-783-0221. It is a non profit, bingo hall, and community center. Be sure to click the link above the photo for more information.
GREEN HILLS COMMUNITY CENTER was built in 1945, through out the years it has been a safe haven for the rural community in Fountain, Florida. The center is only 4,192 sq. feet but every area is used. They contain a small but effective library that still works on a honor system with books that are donated from the local community and up kept by volunteers. This is a center where NO ONE IS PAID. They do not reimburse for gas, food, or clothing. Everyone that works at the center are volunteers of the true word. This includes all board members, there are no fees to come to the center for most events. They do have a few special dinners and special events that they ask for donations to come to; so that they can pay the center bills. Through out the years till now the center has never had to ask for outside help but the cost are more than the community can handle this year, and they are trying their best not to have to shut the doors.
A few upcoming events: ~Every Tuesday night at 6 pm they hold AA/NA meetings that all are welcome to. ~The 2nd Friday of the month they have a community dinner at 5pm followed by family night followed by kids bingo. ~Thrift Store and flea markets open every Saturday from 9am to 2pm.