What to do if you think you have COVID-19

PanCare Health is conducting COVID-19 testing in Panama City, Marianna, Bristol, and Port St. Joe.

~Testing in Freeport will be done by the Department of Health-Walton.

~Franklin County should have testing sight opening this week.

~PanCare’s COVID-19 response line team is available for each location at (850) 215-4181 Monday-Friday
9 am-4 pm to conduct phone screenings. Off-site testing hours differ from response line hours.

CDC guidelines have changed; anyone exhibiting symptoms is encouraged to call the response line, PanCare Health will be screening persons and scheduling appointments based on the following priorities:
Priority 1:
Healthcare facility workers with symptoms
Priority 2:
Patients in long-term care facilities with symptoms
Patients 65 years of age and older with symptoms
Patients with underlying conditions with symptoms
First responders with symptoms
Priority 3:
Critical infrastructure workers with symptoms
Individuals who do not meet any of the above categories with symptoms
Healthcare facility workers and first responders
Individuals with mild symptoms in communities experiencing high numbers of COVID-19 hospitalizations
To qualify for testing, you must complete all of the four following steps.
Step 1: Exhibit symptoms (e.g., fever ≥ 100.4 f, cough, and shortness of breath).
Step 2: Call the PanCare COVID-19 response line at (850) 215-4181.
Step 3: Conduct a phone screening.
Step 4: Upon qualifying for testing, you will be assigned a unique ID number and given an appointment date and time. You must present this id number at your appointment with your photo ID when you arrive at the off-site testing location.

Every county is different so please be sure to look at what your county is asking you to do. Almost all counties are saying do NOT go to the emergency room or your doctor. Call before going to either of these places so they can prepare for you to control the spread. Stay safe!