Snake information~Be safe

Today’s forecast is sunny and warm, with a chance of…snakes. Spring in North Florida is when local serpents become active. Florida is home to 44 species of native snakes but only 6 of them are venomous. The vast majority of snakes you would find around your home are harmless. Snakes don’t do well with people so most neighborhoods have very little chance of having snakes.

A few ways to snake proof your home are ~keep grass mowed, ~store firewood on a rack, not the ground, ~keep brush and wood piles away from the house, ~keep shrubs and tree branches trimmed, ~seal gaps under doors (some snakes can enter through a hole as small as a pencil), ~and snakes can come in through pet doors, by themselves or by your pet, ~rodents attract snakes so call a pest company if you see any.

Stay safe~

This US Government Snake Bite Kit was donated in 2010 by Jim Donohue of Tallahassee, and contained all the items needed to treat snakebite (except the tourniquet) according to the best practices of that day. It is displayed in the Medical Exhibit at Camp Gordon Johnston Museum, between the Infirmary and the Barracks. No snakes are included in the exhibit.