Winter Solstice 2020

Today is Midwinter! Also known as the winter solstice, this is a biannual event that occurs once in each hemisphere. The solstice occurs when Earth’s poles have reached their maximum tilt away from the Sun. Today’s solstice is occurring in the Northern Hemisphere, so we will have the shortest day of the year and the longest night. Since the solar year(the time it takes to see the sun reappear in the same spot on earth) is not the same as a year in the USA (365 days), the actual date and time of the winter solstice can change and doesn’t always fall on December 21st. Interested in identifying the exact time of the winter solstice at your home? This year, the solstice is occurring at 10:02 Universal Time (UTC); visit Earth Sky’s website to find the time in your location by translating your time zone.