National Cut Your Energy Costs Day

National Cut Your Energy Costs Day is an annual event occurring on January 10th that encourages consumers to keep up with scheduled maintenance and improve the energy usage of their homes. Did you know that Florida’s energy prices are on the high side for the United States? Florida residents pay an average monthly electricity bill of $126.44 according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). That’s 13% higher than the national average of $111.67(source). If you’re looking to lower your energy bill, consider some of the ideas and suggestions below:

  • Check seals on windows, doors, and appliances; a bad seal allows energy to seep out.
  • Fix leaky ductwork.
  • Adjust your fridge and freezer temperature; set the fridge to 38 degrees and the freezer to 0-5 degrees. These temperatures keep your food fresh without stressing out your fridge. 
  • Take shorter showers; did you know that taking just two minutes off your shower time can cut your water usage by five gallons?!
  • Replace your showerhead; choose a water-efficient alternative to reduce your water usage by up to 2,700 gallons per year. Look for a WaterSense label(certified to meet efficiency criteria set by the Environmental Protection Agency)
  • Don’t wash clothes in hot water; use either cold or eco-warm (if your machine has the option).
  • Fix leaky faucets.
  • Adjust the temperature on your water heater; most water heaters have a standard-setting of 140 degrees. Lowering it to 120 degrees can reduce water heating costs by up to 10%!
  • Purchase energy-efficient appliances.
  • Ask your utility providers about discounted rates.
  • Swap out your lightbulbs; save up to $75/year by swapping out the bulbs in your most-used light fixtures with compact fluorescent or LED bulbs that bear the Energy Star label.
  • Install dimmer switches.
  • Use smart power strips.
  • Give your thermostat a nudge; set your thermostat back 10-15 degrees when you’re asleep/away from home. Hate changing the thermostat? Consider a programmable thermostat to do the work for you. 
  • Do an energy audit; this allows utility providers to identify additional ways to reduce your energy usage.