Today is Valentine’s Day! It is also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine. The Feast of Saint Valentine was established in 496 AD by Pope Gelasius I. It was an annual event celebrated on February 14th in honor of Saint Valentine of Rome, who died on the 14th in 269 AD. Saint Valentine’s Day became associated with romantic love in the 14th and 15th centuries with the rise of courtly love. In 18th-century England, it grew into an occasion in which couples expressed their love for each other by presenting flowers, confectionery, and sending greeting cards.
In fact, greeting cards (now referred to as valentines) were created in 1797! A British publisher issued The Young Man’s Valentine Writer, which contained suggested sentimental verses for young lovers who were unable to compose their own sweet words. Printers had begun producing a limited number of cards with verses and sketches based on The Young Man’s Valentine Writer sometimes called “mechanical valentines.” These mechanical valentines have grown into the valentine industry (worth over $19 billion as of 2018) that is known today.