National Bird-Feeding Month

Here in the Florida Panhandle and surrounding areas, the health of our local ecology plays a huge part in helping migratory (and local) bird populations. February is National Bird-Feeding Month, dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of providing wildlife with necessities as well as encouraging healthier, sustainable bird feeding habits. Birds have it tough in winter as they have new families to feed and the natural resources to do so aren’t as plentiful as at other times of the year.

Want to help? Most importantly, make sure you are only putting out seed that is natural to the diet of birds in your area. Secondly, be sure to squirrel-proof any bird feeders or baths you put out. As birds often gather in places where food, shelter, and water are reliable, being consistent and generous is the best way to get to see a wide variety of species. Furthermore, bird watching in your yard or surrounding land will not only help you relax and make you happier but also help provide the right resources to get those birds coming back again and again. Spotting patterns and identifying species will help you identify what kind of feed is most beneficial, what plants will help encourage birds to land, and what kind of water sources are most useful.