Leave the Leaves to the Bees!

Did you know that Florida is home to more than 300 species of bees?! In Florida, bees are active most of the year and rely on a variety of nesting materials to stay alive and reproduce. They may nest in well-drained soil that is sparsely vegetated, in trees or other wood, plants with hollow stems, or under fallen leaves. It is important to leave fallen leaves where they land in order to protect bee habitats, as well as help renourish the soil with nutrients from the decaying leaves. 

It is incredibly important to help bees – and other insects – because they pollinate over 80% of flowering plants and food crops. The impact of bees’ hard work is seen very clearly here in the Panhandle, a notoriously agriculture-heavy area. If you would like to further assist the hard-working pollinators in your area, consider planting native wildflowers to help feed them and shelter them. Not only will you be helping the natural world but you will also get some beautiful flowers to enjoy! Click on the image below to view a list of wildflowers.