National Black Cat Appreciation Day

Tomorrow is National Black Cat Appreciation Day! Black cats have a long, varied history among the civilizations of the world. Black cats are positive omens for some cultures while symbolizing bad luck in others. Perhaphs the most prevalent lore around black cats here in the USA is their believed connection to witches. This supersition was brought to the United States by the Puritans; they believed that all black cats were shape-shifting witches. The fear was so strong it became common to burn black cats on Shrove Tuesday to protect one’s home from fires. 

Nowadays, black cats are just as treasured and precious as any of our beloved pets. However, they still face predjuce due to centuries of misconceptions; they are more likely to be euthanized at kill-shelters and are the least likely to be adopted. There are a number of studies demonstrating the “black cat bias.”

Celebrate black cats by: 

  • Sharing adoptable black cats on social media.
  • Volunteer time or resources to local shelters.
  • Adopt, don’t shop!
  • Share a fun fact about black cats.