New Homeowners: Inspection Checklist

Are you getting ready to move into your new home? Here are a few things you should be sure to inspect during your walkthrough before moving in. This is typically the step after having a home inspection done. Completing a walkthrough is an important part of the purchasing process; it allows you to make sure any issues that came up during the home inspection were appropriately dealt with.

  • Make sure any agreed-upon repairs were done.
  • Check that any appliances that were supposed to be left or removed have been dealt with. Check that any remaining appliances are in working order. 
  • Test ALL outlets to be sure they are in working order.
  • Additionally, test switches, light fixtures, smoke detectors, garage doors, and plumbing.
  • Note any damage to floors, cabinets, ceilings, or walls.
  • Check all caulking to make sure it’s sealed properly. 
  • Test any sliding doors or windows to be sure they open efficiently.