Where did August go? Here we are in the first month of fall already and we for sure do not have the cooler days happening yet. We are up to N for named hurricanes of the season, COVID is still going on and masks are the new normal. Now is the time to buy a house for sure! School has started for the new year and Marianna has opened the doors of the new K-8 school. Restaurants are opening up more, movie theaters are starting to open although the one in Marianna is still closed. Salad bars are making a come back. They have mostly been closed since March even if the restaurant has opened. The Ruby Tuesdays in Marianna has a sign hanging on the fence saying in door seating and salad bar now available. Long lines at Dunkin Donuts and gas stations show things are getting busier again. The election is 2 months away. If you haven’t changed your address or registered to vote do it now!