Scarecrows in the Dothan Botanical Gardens

Currently, the Dothan Area Botanical Gardens is having their 16th annual October event: Scarecrows in the Gardens!

During this event, community-created scarecrows take over the 46-acres that make up the Dothan Gardens for the month of October. This year, 2020, the scarecrow theme is Heroes & Villians. Open from 9 AM to 6 PM, admission to the gardens and the special scarecrow exhibit costs only $5 for adults over 16yrs old and FREE for those 15yrs old and younger (as well as Garden members). Masks are required to enter the building, visit the gift shop, and use the restroom: however, while walking the garden grounds, masks are encouraged but not mandatory. Please be sure to keep 6ft between yourself and other parties/people!

Want more information? Visit the Dothan Botanical Garden Facebook event site HERE! Or visit the Dothan Botanical Garden official website HERE!