Florida’s First Commercial Oil Well

Did you know that Washington County is home to one of the first commercial oil wells ever drilled in Florida? In 1919, a string of wells was dug in eastern Washington County by independent oil seekers following a rumor of oil beneath the hills. One such well was dug at what is now Falling Waters State Park. It was a remarkable achievement, reaching a depth of 3,900 feet – an astonishing feat given the technology of the time and the location of the hole. While there was a brief moment of hope when the drillers found a pocket of natural gas, the well ultimately failed to produce anything of use and was capped. 

A few decades after drilling had ended, a cow fell into one of the sludge pits. The event was covered by multiple newspapers, leading to an outcry of public concerns about the “dangers” of the site. International Paper, then-owners of the land the well was on, ended up passing the deed to the land to Washington County. This land is at the center of the now-established Falling Waters State Park. While the well was unproductive for commercial oil quantities, it did eventually lead to a wonderful treasure for the people of Washington County and the wildlife of the area. 

Visit Falling Waters today to see the old oil well along the park’s nature trail, just around the bend after Florida’s tallest waterfall! 

Sun Day

Yesterday was Sun Day! Sun Day was proposed by Denis Hayes, an American environmental advocate, and established in 1978 by then-president Jimmy Carter. Celebrated every May 3rd, this annual celebration of the sun was established to help promote solar energy as a viable, environmentally sound energy source. Solar energy is one of the safest ecological energy sources as it does not pollute the environment nor have long-term side effects like fossil fuels. It is comparatively cheaper (especially in the long run) and can give an equal amount of energy to power stations around the globe. But the sun isn’t just a source of power for energy, it also has a positive impact on humans!

  • Support better sleep
  • Uplift your mood*
  • Increase energy
  • Improve symptoms of mental health conditions
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Lower risk of metabolic syndrome
  • Heal inflammation
  • Prevent cancer
  • Stronger bones
  • Extend life expectancy
  • Sunlight kills bacteria*

National Life Insurance Day

Today is National Life Insurance Day! It marks the anniversary of the first day that life insurance became available in the United States and takes place every May 2nd. The day is designed to help educate individuals on the benefits of life insurance and how to secure it for themselves. Life insurance does more than support your family after your loss; it can also ensure you don’t fall into debt, pre-fund a child’s college education, and keep a business afloat for a while in the event of the death of a family member who owned a business. Most life insurance policies make it possible to establish an emergency fund while making sure your family is taken care of. 

Sweet Bay Magnolia

Happy May, everyone! For today’s Monday Mention, let’s look at the wonderful Sweet Magnolia Bakery. Located on Central Ave in Blountstown, the bakery opened in 2019 and has grown to be a gem in the small town. Sweet Magnolia offers a plethora of baked goods day-to-day, custom orders, coffee, and more. They have a little something for every meal: muffins and coffee for breakfast, quiche or sandwiches for lunch, and desserts galore for dinner! Learn more by visiting their Facebook page or visit them today!

Pensacola Crawfish Festival

The Pensacola Crawfish Festival is happening now until April 30th in Pensacola. The annual Pensacola Crawfish Festival has been happening for over three decades and brings THOUSANDS of pounds of fresh crawfish from Louisiana. The festival takes place at Seville Square and Fountain Park.

Come enjoy boiled, fried, and steamed crawfish in traditional Cajun fare like jambalaya, etouffee, boudin, gumbo, and po-boys. This year’s music lineup features all-day entertainment by the 9th Avenue Brass Band. Other live music acts include Buckwheat Zydeco Jr. and Ils Sont Partis Band, Gregg Martinez and the Delta Kings, Dwayne Dopsie & the Zydeco Hellraisers, Chubby Carrier & the Bayou Swamp Band,  and Curley Taylor & the Bayou Swamp Band.

The festival includes arts and crafts vendors, local food trucks, and a special festival beer called Fiesta Daze Lager; the lager is specially brewed by Pensacola Bay Brewery. Learn more by visiting the festival website HERE

Wine & Food Festival

The South Walton Beaches Wine and Food Festival starts tomorrow! From April 27th-30th, come out to a variety of events focusing on wine, food, and the pairing of the two. There will be chances to meet renowned winemakers, see celebrity chefs, attend wine seminars, and choose wine samples from HUNDREDS of wines. The big event is the Grand Tasting on either Saturday or Sunday … or both, if you care to enjoy two days of tasting and treating yourself!

Guests will receive a tasting booklet outlining the featured wines so they can pick and choose their tastes carefully. Bottled water and food will be available in the Savor South Walton Culinary Village. Additionally, there will be live music from the Nashville Songwriters Showcase. All events will take place in the Town Center of Grand Boulevard in Miramar Beach. To view the full schedule, pre-order tickets, and more, click here and visit the official event website. 

Arbor Day 2023

Arbor Day 2023 is coming this Friday, April 28th! Arbor Day, literally translating to ‘Tree Day,’ is a holiday that celebrates the planting, upkeep, and preservation of trees, forests, and old-growth forests. The first Arbor Day as it is recognized in the USA was held in Nebraska on April 10, 1872, and has since grown into a national holiday (circa 1970) and has even gained international recognition (circa 1883). 

Prior to the introduction of Arbor Day to the United States, the first historical celebration that aligns with the ideals of ‘Arbor Day’ was celebrated in 1594. In the Spanish village of Mondoñedo, the first documented arbor plantation festival was successfully organized by the mayor of the town. Clearly, the celebration of trees has been a cultural cornerstone for hundreds of years. It is estimated that the celebration on April 10, 1872 culminated in hundreds of thousands of trees being planted. 

Want to celebrate Arbor Day? Consider:

  • Planting a tree
  • Create art celebrating trees
  • Build/purchase something made from recycled wood
  • Sponsor/adopt a tree in need
  • Participate in ‘tree care’ (mulching, pruning, and watering)
  • Visit a local park/state park
  • Read Arbor Day’s Celebration Ideas list for more suggestions

North Florida Wildflower Festival

Click image to open a list of Confirmed Vendors.

The North Florida Wildflower Festival is coming up soon! Come out to Blountstown on Saturday, April 29th from 9am-2pm. The Florida Panhandle, from Jacksonville to Pensacola, is dotted with small towns that boast southern charm and gorgeous natural scenery. The Blountstown Wildflower Festival is one of the most popular events of each spring in Calhoun and surrounding counties. The Festival will feature food vendors, artists, crafters, nurseries, and more! The festival is family and well-behaved pet friendly. There will be kid-friendly activities such as train rides at the M&B Depot. Come out to Magnolia Square to soak in the small-town festival vibes and enjoy a lovely afternoon. The city, which is in the heart of Calhoun County, celebrates the region’s beauty during its annual festival. Learn more by visiting the event website HERE.


Arbor Day Tree Giveaway Event

Next weekend is Arbor Day! First celebrated in Nebraska in 1874, Arbor Day is dedicated to planting trees and celebrating their various roles in the world. Trees do a lot including but not limited to boosting our mental health, eating greenhouse gases, cooling the areas around them, supporting wildlife, and cleaning the air!

To celebrate, Panama City Quality of Life is working with IFAS to give FREE trees to Bay County citizens. This offer is only good while supplies last, so come out early to secure your River Birch or Red Maple! The tree giveaway will be held from 9am-1pm at McKenzie Park. There will also be a free kid craft and tree planting kit at Oaks by the Bay Park from 10-11am while supplies last. Learn more by visiting the Facebook event page here

Free Entrance to Gulf Islands National Seashore

There are only FIVE days in 2023 that the National Park Service sites that charge an entrance fee offer free admission to one and all! This means that the local hotspot, the Gulf Islands National Seashore, will be free to everyone coming soon. While the first free day passed in January, the second free pass day is coming this April. As a way to celebrate National Park Week, get free entrance to the National Seashore on April 22nd. Celebrate Earth Day, also occurring on April 22nd, by picking up trash on your walk or capturing a photo of the natural beauty to share online with the tag #celebrateearthday.

The Gulf Islands National Seashore offers recreation, natural preservation, and historic sites along the Gulf of Mexico barrier islands of Florida and Mississippi. Visit the Florida portion of the seashore in Pensacola. The Florida District offers nature trails, beaches, historic fortifications, and the Naval Live Oaks Reservation. The two principal islands in the Florida District of the National Seashore are Santa Rosa Island and Perdido Key.

Can’t make it to the dazzling white beaches this Earth Day? Visit on one of the other three free days:

  • August 4: Anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act
  • September 23: National Public Lands Day
  • November 11: Veterans Day