Vintage Campers Club Christmas Campout

The 12th Annual Vintage Campers Club Christmas Campout is tomorrow! Held at Three Rivers State Park, there will be decorated vintage campers and light displays from 5-8 PM – right after the Sneads Christmas Parade. There will also be an opportunity to meet Santa Claus from 5:30-7:30 PM. Admission is $3 per vehicle.

Veterinary Medicine

Today is the International Day of Veterinary Medicine, an annual occurrence meant to encourage a strong veterinary sector that can protect animal and human health and welfare. To celebrate this event, today’s blog is a community highlight of the local veterinary clinic Critter Care of Blountstown.

Critter Care is a full-service animal hospital that handles both emergency treatment cases as well as pet patients in need of routine medical, surgical, and dental care. Dr. Carla Hubbard, the veterinarian on staff, has years of experience treating serious conditions and offering regular pet wellness care. The atmosphere of the office is friendly and helpful. If you have a beloved animal companion, consider entrusting their healthcare to Critter Care. 

Christmas Card Day

Tomorrow is National Christmas Card Day!

First Christmas Card Design

Christmas cards as we know them today were created in 1843 to encourage the use of the new British postal system. They were the outcome of the combined effort of Sir Henry Cole and his artist friend, John Horsley. Cards were originally sold for the equivalent of 24 cents. Thanks to the rise of the printing press, sending Christmas cards became a standard holiday affair by the end of the 1860s. Nowadays, National Christmas Card Day is designed to help people spread cheer and joy during the holiday season. So grab your supplies today in anticipation of creating, filling out, and sending your annual holiday cards to your friends and family tomorrow. 

Snow in Florida

Did you know that it has reportedly snowed 24 times in Florida since 2000? Snow occurs almost exclusively in northern Florida, so living in the beautiful Panhandle and surrounding areas means you’re more likely to experience snowfall here. However, snow is less likely to stick to the ground here; flurries, sleet, and light snow are more probable. Florida has also experienced ocean-effect snow. Ocean snow is an effect produced when a plume of Arctic air produces widespread record low temperatures and light snow flurries. 

Bennett Christmas Light Show

A local family is hosting a Christmas light show set to music. Directions: head towards Marianna from Altha on Highway 71 and turn down Sam Duncan Road. Tune into the 103.7 radio station after you pass Altha Co-op Road to hear the sounds of the show. The light show is 13minutes long and runs all week. You can turn down SAM DUNCAN road and watch a 13-minute show. Sunday-Thursday the show runs from 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm. Friday-Saturday the show will run for an extra hour, ending at 10:30 pm.


Sneads Christmas Parade

The Sneads Christmas Parade will be Saturday, December 11th. The Town of Sneads announced that the parade will start at 4 pm with participants scheduled to line up at 3 pm. They are currently accepting forms for participants – click on the image to the right to visit the form website, fill it out, and return it to Sneads City Hall as soon as possible. Visit the Town of Sneads City Hall Facebook for more information, to keep up-to-date on parade announcements, and more!


Giving Tuesday

Today is GivingTuesday! Created in 2012 to encourage people to do good, this annual event has grown into a global generosity movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. There are hundreds of ways to participate in GivingTuesday either as an individual or in a group. You can give your voice, goods, time, or money to give generously to your community, an organization, or any person in need. Visit the official GivingTuesday non-profit website to find generosity events near you or view the shortlist of inspiration below:

  • Donate your time, money, or goods to local animal shelters, food banks, thrift stores, and other organizations that operate for the betterment of your community.
  • Start a fundraiser for a cause close to your heart.
  • Do a trash walk in your neighborhood, at a local park, or anywhere else you see the need. Help beautify your surroundings and help the environment, all while enjoying the cool fall weather. 
  • Pack a shoebox for Operation Christmas Child.
  • Adopt a first responder; connect with local police stations, fire departments, and first responders to request a list of names and choose one to support – perhaps by sending a card with thanks for their efforts or small gifts. 



Friends of Chipley Animals

Bradley Cooper, a currently available Bulldog mix (as of 11/27/2021)

If you live in Chipley or surrounding areas and love animals, consider joining the Friends of Chipley Animals Facebook page. The page is run by volunteers of the Chipley, FL shelter but is not a reflection of the shelter itself. Many of the animals listed on the page come from surrounding counties but are all located in Chipley at the time of their posting. Dogs and cats are only kept 5-7 days so if you see an animal that interests you, please call them right away (the number is listed on their page). The Friends of Chipley operate Monday through Saturday 9:00 am until 12:00 noon CST.

Additionally, they are in URGENT need of volunteers to visit the shelter to take pictures and get descriptions of pets to post to the website. The hours for volunteers are between 9 am and 12 pm CST. If you are interested in helping in-need animals get adopted, please call the shelter for more info. 

Cyber Monday in Tomorrow!

  • The use of the term ‘Cyber Monday’ was first used on November 28, 2005, and has evolved into an annual, international online event.
  • In 2020, Cyber Monday was the biggest online shopping day in U.S. history with a total of $10.7 billion in online spending.
  • In a survey done across the 16 countries that practice Cyber Monday, men accounted for 56% of the Cyber Monday shoppers.