ATV and UTV Use in Jackson County

Recently, the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office outlined Florida law regarding the use of ATV’s and UTV’s on roadways due to an increase in citizen complaints. It is quoted that “Sheriff (Donnie) Edenfield encourages all of the citizens to enjoy the full use of the roadways in the county, within the guidelines set by Florida Law…and [they are] are committed to making our roadways a safe place for all individuals traveling throughout our county.”

View the specific regulations in the source article HERE

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day 2021! Beginning in 1970, it was created to bring awareness to serious environmental concerns and to address the need for environmental reform. It grew to an international level in 1990 and is now practiced in 142 nations. Don’t forget that today is the second Earth Day Live digital event, held on the official website here. The global show begins at 12 p.m. Eastern Time and will include workshops, panel discussions, and special performances that focus on this year’s theme of Restore Our Earth™. 

Earth Day 2021: Take Two

Today, Education International leads the “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit.” A multilingual virtual summit that includes multiple timezones, the focus is on the crucial role that educators play in combating climate change and why we need transformative climate education now. There will be prominent activists from every continent. 

Visit the website HERE to stream!

National Pet Day

Today is National Pet Day! Founded in 2006 to celebrate pets and the joy they bring into our homes, it is also a day created to bring awareness to the plight of the many types of animals which are in shelters all over the planet.

Looking to celebrate? Inspiration below:

Buy your pet a new toy or treat
Take pictures of your pet
Share photos of your pets via social media using the hashtag #NationalPetDay
Adopt a pet from your local shelter
Donate money, food, toys and/or blankets to an animal welfare organization
Throw an awesome National Pet Day party for your pets
Help someone who needs it buy pet food or other items for their pets
Help organize against puppy and kitten mills
Volunteer at a local shelter

Rebuild Florida at the Blountstown Library

Yesterday was the first of four dates that Rebuild Florida Housing Repair and Replacement program came to the Blountstown Public Library. If you are a homeowner with damage from Hurricane Michael, you are encouraged to apply for housing repair assistance.

Rebuild Florida will be here for the following days with no appointment necessary:
April 8: 10 – 4 CST
April 19: 10 – 4 CST
April 20: 10 – 4 CST

Visit HERE for more detailed information such as what documents to bring with you. 

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month! The Academy of American Poets – an organization that includes booksellers, librarians, teachers, publishers, poets, and literary associations – met in 1995 to discuss the need for a month-long celebration of poetry. The meeting was successful, and the holiday was officially launched in April of 1996. There are 6 key goals of National Poetry Month:

1) to highlight the achievements and legacy of American poets

2) to encourage poetry reading

3) to help teachers introduce poetry into the classroom

4) to increase media coverage of poetry and poets

5) increase publication of poetry books 

6) to increase support for poetry and the poets who produce it

National Deaf History Month

National Deaf History Month, which began on March 13th and runs through April 15th, is a celebration of contributions of the hard-of-hearing and the Deaf community to American society. It’s a great time to recognize deaf champions, and increase awareness of the deaf community’s rich history.

Deaf History Month was originally envisioned as just one week. In 1996, the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) suggested the week become a full-fledged month, and in 1997, the first annual, nationwide National Deaf History Month was celebrated, March 13 – April 15.

2006; thanks to the efforts of Alice Hagemeyer, a deaf American librarian who’s worked to make libraries more accessible to deaf people.the American Library Association (ALA) and NAD 

Timber Block Grant

Have you heard the good news? The State of Florida Timber Block Grant’s registration deadline has been extended to April 30th! The Florida Timber Recovery Block Grant Program (“TRBG”) is available to timber producers who suffered timber damage as a result of Hurricane Michael; compensation for the crop loss is provided to producers that meet the eligibility requirements. The program is managed by the Florida Division of Emergency Management in conjunction with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the US Department of Agriculture. If eligible, you may receive up to $608 per acre for pine and up to $714 per acre for hardwood. Repayment is not required. 

Register HERE

Spring Equinox

Today is the March equinox! Also called the vernal – or spring – equinox, today the day and night will be of almost equal duration in most time zones in the world. The spring equinox ccurs when the Sun crosses the equator line, heading north, and marks the start of spring in the northern half of the globe. It is the first equinox of the year and marks the beginning of spring. Happy Spring, everyone!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Today is St. Patrick’s Day, an annual event that began as a religious holiday honoring St. Patrick. Also called the Feast of St. Patrick, it is observed on the day of St. Patrick’s death. As the patron saint of Ireland, this day of observance has evolved into a fantastic celebration of Irish culture with parades, special foods, music, dancing, and drinking. Interested in learning more about the history of the holiday, the culture, or how you can participate? Visit A&E’s History page on St. Patrick’s Day HERE