Today is the Day of the Mushroom! It’s a day to celebrate all things fungi. Mushrooms prefer dark or shady areas; that’s why they are often found on forest floors. The best time to hunt for mushrooms is a few days after a good rain. To celebrate these fun guys, here’s a list of local edible mushrooms to keep an eye out for while out in the woods today!
PLEASE REMEMBER: when foraging any food, do not eat it if you’re not 100% sure what it is – better safe than sorry. Additionally, here is a quick guideline for identifying mushrooms:
- Season: the time of year you can find them.
- Cap: top part of the stalk. Look for width, shape, and color.
- Underside of Cap: look for pores, spines/teeth, gill-like ridges, and tubes.
- Stem (stipe): on which the cap sits. Look for strips, striations, rings, and protrusions.