Torreya in Bloom

Photo provided by local, @noahs.notions

Are you looking for something to do this weekend? Need to get out of the house or wear the kids down? Consider visiting the gorgeously-blooming Torreya State Park in Bristol! Only $3 per vehicle for park entry, there are multiple trails open now, the canoe/kayak launch spot is open, picnicking areas are open, AND the weather this weekend is supposed to be in the mid-80s with a pleasant blend of cloud coverage and wind.

Photo provided by local, @noahs.notions

Open from 8 AM to sunset, Torreya State Park is also home to the historic Gregory House. Tours are offered at 10 AM on weekdays and 10 AM, 2 PM, and 4 PM on weekends and state holidays. Masks mandatory while indoors. To get more information on the park before visiting, click HERE to visit their website!

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson



5 Things Happening on the 25th

1. Heritage Day

Previously known in South Africa as Shaka Day, a day commemorating the Zulu King of Shaka who united clans to for the Zulu nation. Since 1955. South Africans have celebrated the renamed Heritage Day by remembering the cultural heritage of the many different cultures that make up their nation. Often called the ‘‘Rainbow Nation,’’ South Africa’s cultural roots are rich, vibrant, and incredibly diverse cultures. Want to celebrate and better understand this beautiful smorgasboard of cultures? Read up on South Africa’s history; research it’s cultural past, explore the intense political history, the racial injustices, the complex languages, and their culture in general. 

2. National Comic Book Day

National Comic Book Day honors the art, artists, and the stories of comic books. Fans, collectors, readers, writers, and artists come together to celebrate this generational, cultural crossing genre. Comic books has grown as a genre to include full-length books, graphic novels, comic strips, manga, comic collections, and digital comics. Additionally, comic books have inspired countless movie adaptations – the Marvel Cinematic Universe would not exist if comics didn’t. Celebrate by discovering new comic books, reading old favorites, sharing your passion with those in your life, watching television shows/movies based on comics, or look for online celebrations you can join. 

3. National Cooking Day

A day meant to encourage and inspire people to discover something new and enjoyable in the kitchen. Learn a new skill by preparing something new and delicious for yourself or loved ones. National Cooking Day is a day for passing on recipes, making fulfilling meals, experimenting with new recipes, baking with loved ones, throwing social-distancing-safe potlucks, hosting meals, or maybe just whipping up your favorite comfort foods to enjoy in your pjs on the couch. Connect with friends and family or practice some filling self-care this holiday!

4. National Daughters Day

A special day created to celebrate and cherish daughters. While there is a National Sons & Daughters Day, this event is a response to the growing awareness of the inherent struggles womens go through in society. From the very beginning, society viewed women as inferior to men, limiting their potential due to male privilege dominated at the time. This is an opprotunity to learn and discuss gender discrimination and inequity. Help your daughter grow into a well-rounded, emotionally fulfilled woman by celebrating them today. Explore this parental blog about teaching kids about gender equality and this education blog to learn more!

5. Sport Purple for Platelets Day

Supports those suffering from Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a disease that causes excessive bleeding, bruising and fatigue due to low levels of platelets (those are the cells that enable blood to clot). Unfortunately, ITP is widely unheard of and not much is known about the hows and whys of the disease. It was one of the first autoimmune disorders discovered, proving that a human body’s tissue could be attacked by its own antibodies. Despite this groundbreaking contribution, research into ITP never gained significant financial traction. The Platelet Disorder Support Association (PDSA) sponsors Sport Purple for Platelets Day in order to raise awareness and funds for those suffering and for research. So sport purple today to show your support for this life-shortening disease! 


All About Walking Indoors

It’s well known that cardio, also known as aerobic cardiovascular or cardio exercise, is important for physical and mental health. Benefits of cardio include:

  • increases stamina
  • positive effects on mental health 
  • gain and maintain muscle
  • lose and keep off fat
  • boosts immune system
  • helps prevent and/or manage chronic conditions
  • strengthens the heart (among many others like the lungs)
  • …and more!

However, it’s so hot outside these days – especially with Southern humidity! – that going outside to exercise seems daunting. Heck, it can even be dangerous; working outside under the hot summer sun – the calendar may say autumn but we know better – can cause heat exhaustion or heat stroke. So stay inside and beat the heat with indoor walking! Don’t mist this opportunity – what? You didn’t like the pun? How cold! 

Indoor Walking Tips

WALKING IN PLACE: a low-impact activity, not only does it check the cardio box but also counts as stretching. As an exercise, it primarily targets the quads; additionally benefits the abs, hamstrings, and hip flexors. 

Walking in place is something of revived phenomena right now. Not only does it provide an escape from the weather, it also offers a safe alternative to going to gyms. Check out ‘walking in place routines/workouts’ on Youtube for a wide array of demonstrations for everyone from athletes to the elderly and even parents with kids! 

Indoor walking is built on the repetitive movement of marching in place. This can be hard on your joints, so consider switching it up by…

Adding movement: walk around your coffee table, down the hallway, climb stairs if you have them, or add simple side-to-side and forward-and-back movements. You can also try…

Adding weight/resistance: add easy resistance to marching in place by using light dumbbells in each hand. Or, use a weighted vest. Stay safe – DON’T wear a vest that’s more than 5-10% of your body weight! Additionally, exercises or stretches can increase the energy burned as well as tighten and tone muscles. Some easy exercises to add if you have dumbbells are bicep curls, shoulder presses, triceps kickbacks, and lunges. No equipment? No problem – try adding bodyweight exercises like squats or side-lunges.

If it feels too easy, try creating your own cycles using walking and various change-ups (or check Youtube!). For example, when you’re binge-watching a show through your streaming service, walk-in place while the episode is playing. Then, during the credits and while the next episode loads, perform x-number of squats, x-number of jumping jacks, and x-number x = whatever number you’re comfortable with of lunges as many times as you can. Return to walking when the next episode starts.

Weather or not you plan to try indoor walking (read more here), the joke below is guaranteed to make you laugh out cloud!

Why do cows lie in the rain…?

…to keep each udder dry!