The Jackson County UF|IFAS Extension Office is hosting a Pressure Canning & Dehydrating Class Upcoming next Saturday. On Saturday, May 20th, there will be a Preserving Food at Home class from 9am to 1pm. The course will be held at the Jackson County Agriculture Offices and costs only $20/person! This is incredible given the scope of the information and potential savings covered by the class. Additionally, each participant will get to take home a sample jar of chicken prepared in class.

Canning and dehydrating are two of the three main methods for preserving food. This class is perfect for beginners and those looking for a refresher course. They are designed to explain the science of how canning and dehydrating work, proper food safety techniques, differences in canning methods, and how to preserve food using a pressure canner properly.
Pre-registration is REQUIRED to participate in this class. Please visit the Jackson County Extension Office at 2741 Penn Avenue, Suite 3, Marianna, FL, or visit the event site HERE to register.