National Corn Yeild Contest has a 1st place winner from Graceville

The National Corn Growers Association represents nearly 40,000 members, 50 affiliated state corn grower and checkoff organizations, and over 300,000 corn farmers who contribute to state checkoff programs.The National Corn Yield Contest began in 1965 with 20 entries from 3 states. At that time, the highest overall yield was 218.9 bushels per acre, while the national yield average was in the mid-60 bushel-per-acre range. The 2019 crop-year winners were recognized February 28th at the 2020 Commodity Classic, the premier convention and trade show of the U.S. corn, soybean, sorghum, wheat and equipment industries, held this year in San Antonio.

Christopher Dietrich of Graceville placed first in the state for his category in the recent National Corn Yield Contest based on 2019 yields. Farmers are encouraged through the contest to utilize new, efficient production techniques. The 2019 contest participation included 7,454 entries from 46 states.

Congrats Christopher Dietrich!

November 1st

November is here! And we are waking up to temperatures in the 40’s! November is the last month of the fall season and the first month of the winter season. It is the 11th month of the year and has 30 days. November is also the month of food. When the best cooks can shine and the best eaters will surly get their fill. This month has a lot of happenings and hoildays. Thanksgiving of course, All Saint’s Day, Daylight Savings time, Will Rogers Day, Election Day, Banana Pudding Lovers Month, National Button Day, and National Scrapple Day to name a few.

November’s full moon was traditionally called the Beaver Moon. Why? In the Colonial Era, this was the month to set one’s beaver traps before the swamps froze and beavers retired to their lodges, to ensure a supply of warm winter furs. This year the full moon occurs on Tuesday, November 12th at 8:34am EST.

A little folklore: ~November take flail; let ships no more sail. ~There is no better month in the year to cut wood than November. ~ Ice in November brings mud in December. ~A heavy November snow will last till April. ~If trees show buds in November, the winter will last until May.

And did you know autumn is the best time to prepare your yard properly for a healthy spring growth. If you are getting trees from the arbor foundation they are sending them this month!