- Fixed-rate loan: the interest rate doesn’t change throughout the life of the loan, typically 15-30 years. This means the monthly loan payment shouldn’t change, making it a relatively low-risk loan. Requires a down payment.
- Adjustable-rate mortgage: loan begins with a lower rate for a fixed period of time (5-10 years); after this period, the interest rate will adjust approximately once a year in relation to current interest rates. Monthly payments can fluctuate, so this loan is best for those who plan to move and sell their home before their fixed-period is up.
- FHA loan: a Federal Housing Administration loan is a government-backed loan that allows homeowners to make a down payment of as little as 3.5% versus the standard 20%. There are several requirements such as limited loan amounts and minimal payment flexibility. They are fixed-rate mortgages of 15 or 30 year terms. Mortgage insurance is required.
- VA loan: a Veterans Affairs loan is for veterans who have served 90 consecutive days during wartime, 180 days during peacetime, or six years in the reserves. They are government-backed and require no down payment or mortgage insurance.
- USDA loan: the USDA Rural Development loan is government-sponsored and requires no down payment with discounted mortgage rates. This loan is designed for rural areas struggling financially. However, an individual’s debt cannot exceed their income by more than 41% as mortgage insurance is required.
- Bridge loan: also referred to as a gap loan or “repeat financing;” the current and new mortgage payments are bundled into one. An excellent option for those purchasing a home before selling their previous residence; once the home is sold, the mortgage can be paid off and refinanced.
Author: Debbie Roney Smith
Blueberry Muffins Day & Local Spotlight
Today is National Blueberry Muffin Day! The benefits of blueberries are numerous, including being rich in antioxidants, aiding in weight loss and healthy digestion, boosting mental health, protecting against heart disease, managing blood sugar levels, improving skin clarity, and improving the strength of bones.
Fun fact: the term ‘muffin’ was first printed in English in 1703 and was also known as a ‘teacake.’ Combined with the beginning of blueberry cultivation in New Jersey in the early 20th century, blueberry muffins were a long time in the making.
Want to enjoy the fluffy, flavor-bursting creation that is a blueberry muffin? Consider skipping Walmart and head to one of the Panhandle’s local blueberry farms: Blue Acres Berries!
Blue Acres Berries is a pick-it-yourself blueberry farm located in Sneads, and is currently reaching the end of its season. A gallon bucket costs only $10 to fill! Don’t want to pick the berries yourself? No problem, they offer to pick the gallon for you at $20 a bucket. Visit their Facebook site HERE for hours and more.
Fourth of July
Today is Independence Day, also known as the Fourth of July! It is the anniversary of the publication of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and is celebrated annually on July 4th. It has been a federal holiday since 1941. Patriotic displays and family events are organized throughout the United States in order to celebrate, so gather your friends and family for an enjoyable day outside!
Pensacola: International Billfish Tournament
The Pensacola International Billfish Tournament starts today, June 30th, and will end on July 4, 2021. Held at Palafox Pier, this tournament has been a tradition since 1970. This is the 50th Annual Pensacola International Billfish Tournament! The event schedule is as follows:
Wednesday June 30th: Captains Meeting
Thursday July 1st: Flare Start- Pensacola Pass
Friday July 2nd: Scales open 4-7pm
Saturday July 3rd: Scales open 3-7pm
Sunday July 4th: Awards
There will be strict social distancing guidelines to keep the community safe. Visit the Pensacola Big Game Fishing Club website HERE or their Facebook page HERE for more information.
Panhandle Watermelon Festival
Today is the last day of the annual Panhandle Watermelon Festival. Head down to Jim Trawick Park in Chipley for the free festival from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be a pancake breakfast, free music, vendors, and more! Visit the official website HERE for more detailed information!
Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day!!! Did you know that Father’s Day was directly inspired by Mother’s Day? Mother’s Day was made an official holiday in 1914; the first Father’s Day, meanwhile, was officiated in 1972 – 58 years later. Now, the annual observance day is celebrated on the third Sunday of June in the United States. Learn more about Father’s Day HERE.
Today is Juneteenth, an annual observation of the events of June 19, 1865 – it was the day that the enslaved people in Galveston, Texas were brought news of their freedom due to the Emancipation Proclamation. They were not made aware of their freedom until two years after the Proclamation went out in 1863. As of this June, it has been made a federal holiday – Juneteenth National Independence Day.
Blue Acres Berries
Today’s local business spotlight is on Blue Acres Berries of Sneads, FL. It is a u-pick blueberry farm that has five Rabbiteye varieties: Climax, Brightwell, Tifblue, Savory, and Premier. The berries are all grown naturally. So visit to pick your own berries or call to place an order for them to fill for you. They are currently open every day, 8 a.m. -7 p.m. until the berries are gone or the July 4th weekend, whichever comes first.
Drive-Through Movies
Today is National Drive-Through Movie Day! Looking to celebrate? Visit Timewarp Theaters in Pensacola. They offer private events, summer specials, and deals on concessions. Tune in to the movie audio on a local radio station, sit back, and enjoy! For available movies, tickets, and more, visit their Facebook or their ticket website.
World Environment Day
Today is the annual U.N. World Environment Day! 2021’s focus is on ecosystem restoration and its theme is “Reimagine. Recreate.Restore.” Ecosystem restoration is the act of preventing, halting, and reversing the damage done to the planet. Ecosystem restoration is incredibly important to the health of the planet and of humanity. Take for instance the emergence of COVID-19; the loss of natural habitats for animals has helped create the ideal conditions for pathogens – like the coronaviruses – to spread. For more detailed information as well as ways you can take action this World Environment Day, visit the U.N. website or the World Environment Day 2021 website.